Monday, June 22, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 (week 1)

Welcome back to school everyone. Those of you in science 9 and science 10 are invited to participate in the 2010 Easter Adventure to Orlando Florida. Please see me for more details.

AP Physics 12 - We begin with a quick review of chapters 2 & 3 kinematics equations and graphs, as well as projectile motion in 2-dimensions. We will also study some Quantum Physics (Photons, Bohr's atomic model, Photoelectric effect, and more).

Physics 11 - We begin with chapters 3 & 4 Motion and continue from where you left off in Science 10 Motion Unit.

Science 10 - We are starting with chapter 1 Biomes and Ecosystems. Students will have to complete a project on biomes and they should choose their topic right away.

Math 9 - We will begin with Chapter 1 Numbers. Students should complete the practice questions in each section of every chapter (we study the entire book over the course of the year). Students are minimally meeting expectations when they complete the first half of the practice problems. They fully meet expectations or exceed expectations when they can also solve the Problems and Applications in each section.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 15, 2009 (week 39)

This week I am in Fort Collins, Colorado grading Advanced Placement Physics exams. I am joined by 140 physics professors and instructors from across North America. Our task is to grade over 100 000 exams in 7 days, yikes! I have been involved with this for the past decade and it is always a terrific professional development experience.

I will be returning to Burnaby South on Monday June 22. Good luck to everyone on their provincial exams.

Friday, June 5, 2009

June 8, 2009 (week 38)

I will be grading AP Physics Exams in the United States from June 11 - 20 and so if you need to see me about anything I will be returning to school on Monday June 22.

AP Physics 12

  • Final exam on June 9
  • Textbook collection

Physics 12

  • Final Exam on June 8.
  • Textbook collection

Physics 11

  • Final Exam on June 8
  • Textbook collection

Science 8

  • Students must complete workbook chapter 11 and workbook chapter 12 and hand this in for final grading on June 8.
  • Textbook collection

Math 9

  • Part two of the final exam on June 9.
  • Textbook collection