Tuesday, October 27, 2009

November 2, 2009 (week 9)

AP Physics 12 - We will complete chapter 4 dynamics this week. Students must complete at least 25 problems in preparation for the upcoming chapter 4/5 test later in November.

Physics 11 - This week we will get started with chapter 5 Forces. Reminder that students must complete all of the chapter 4 practice problems (and more) in preparation for the chapter 4 test on November 6.

Science 10 - We will continue to read and work on chapter 2 this week and students should complete all of workbook chapter 2 at their own pace in preparation for the chapter 2 test next week.

Math 9 - We will finish up chapter 6 and students should complete all of the practice problems assigned in chapter 6 in preparation for the chapter 6 test on November 9.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 26, 2009 (weeek 8)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will continue to study chapter 4 Dynamics. Students should be working on the end of chapter review problems.

Physics 11 - This week we will do a lab to determine the acceleration due to earth's gravity. We are just about finished with chapter 4 Accelerated Motion. Students must complete at least 25 textbook problems in preparation for the chapter 4 test next week.

Science 10 - This week we will learn about nutrient cycles in chapter 2. Please continue to work at your own pace of workbook chapter 2.

Math 9 - We will continue to learn about measurements related to triangles. Students must complete the practice problems in each section of chapter 6.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 19, 2009 (week 7)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 2/3 re-tests on October 20 and also the Quantum physics test on Oct 22. We have started chapter 4 Dynamics. Please look over the example problems in your textbook and start working on the end of chapter review problems.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the chapter 3 re-test on October 21. We are currently studying chapter 4 Accelerated Motion. Please look over the example problems and complete all of the practice problems.

Science 10 - We are off to a great start this year. The chapter 1 test results were very good! Ms. Smolar is now planning the lessons for chapter 2 on Food Webs and students should be completing the workbook at their own pace.

Math 9 - We are now studying chapter 6 Measurement (triangles and trigonometry). Students should complete the practice problems in each section of this chapter. Reminder of the chapter one re-test on October 21.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 (week 6)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will get started with chapter 4 Dynamics which is the study of forces that produce motion and acceleration. Students should look at the example problems in the text and complete the end of chapter review problems (odd numbers). Reminder of the chapter 3 and 4 re-tests on October 20 and also the Quantum Physics test on October 22.

Physics 11 - This week we will continue to study chapter 4 Accelerated Motion. Students should look over the example problems in the textbook and complete the Practice Problems in chapter 4. Reminder of the chapter 3 Motion re-test on October 21.

Science 10 - Reminder of the Chapter 1 Biomes test on October 14. In preparation for the test students must complete all of workbook chapter 1 or the Chapter Notes Worksheets.

Math 9 - Reminder of the chapter 1 test on October 13. This week we will jump ahead to chapter 6 and our lessons will be prepared by SFU student teacher Ms. Smolar.

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 5, 2009 (week 5)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the test covering chapters 2 & 3 on October 5th. Here is a checklist of things students need to do in preparation for the test.
  • Look over all the example problems in this chapter
  • Finish the sample test questions from the testbank
  • Complete the odd numbered end of chapter Review Problems.
  • Try some questions from old provincial exams
  • Must submit a minimum of 25 problems from the textbook and/or provincial exams. These are due at start of class on the test date.
  • Attend or assist with peer-tutoring in room E202 on Collabortion days starting in October.
  • Visit Mr. Fuerderer's Homework Site for practice exams, solutions, etc.

Physics 11 - This week we will get started on chapter 4 Acceleration. Reminder of the chapter 3 test on October 8. Here is a checklist of things students need to do in preparation for the test.

  • Look over all the example problems in this chapter
  • Finish the sample test questions from the testbank
  • Complete most of the Practice problems in this chapter
  • Try some of the end of chapter Review Problems.
  • Must submit a minimum of 25 problems from the textbook, chosen from Practice and/or Review problems. These are due at start of class on the test date.
  • Attend the peer-tutoring in room E202 on Collabortion days starting in October.
  • Visit Mr. Fuerderer's Homework Site for practice exams and solutions.

Science 10 - This week we will complete chapter 1 on Biomes. Students will make their Biome Project Presentations on October 7. Reminder of the chapter 1 test on October 14. In preparation for the test students should complete all of their workbook chapter 1 OR the Study Notes Worksheet.

Math 9 - This week we will finish chapter 1 Numbers. Students must complete all of the practice problems in preparation for the chapter 1 test on Oct 13.