Thursday, April 29, 2010

May 3, 2010 (week 32)

Science Final Exams Schedule
Advanced Placement Exams in the MPR, May 3-16
Science 9/10 Entrance Exam (Astronomy & Reproduction Units), May 6 in the afternoon.
Science 10 Exam (chapters 1- 9), May 25-28 in classes
Physics 11, Physics 12, Chemistry 12, Biology 12, June 7-11 in classes
Supplemental final exams for Sc 8 & 9, June 14 at 9AM in room A214
Biology 11 June 17 PM Gym
Chemistry 11 June 18 AM Gym
Math/Calculus ?? June 18 PM Gym
Science 10 Provincial Exam, June 25 AM, Gym

AP Physics 12 - Class is cancelled until May 17 due to exams being written during the first two weeks of May. Good luck to all of you on your exams. You've worked hard and I am confident that you will perform very well!

Physics 11 - Students should complete a minimum of 25 practice problems in preparation for the chapter 17 test on May 3. This week we begin chapter 18 Optics, which is the study of light, lenses and mirrors.

Science 10 - Reminder that students should complete all of workbook chapter 8 in preparation for the chapter 8 test on May 4. We have started chapter 9 Accelerated Motion and students should be completing the activities and their textbook and workbook.

Math 9 - Reminder of the chapter 5.1-5.4 quiz on May 4. We are currently working on chapter 5 Polynomials. Students should complete the practice problems in each section of chapter 5.

Friday, April 23, 2010

April 26, 2010 (week 31)

AP Physics 12 - We have started chapter 15 Thermodynamics. This week we will focus on thermodynamic processes and how they can be depicted on PV graphs.

Physics 11 - This week we will complete chapter 17 on Reflection and Refraction. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 17 test on May 3.

Science 10 - Reminder of the Quiz on chapter 8.1 on April 26. This week we will complete chapter 8.2 on motion graphs and velocity calculations. Students should complete all of workbook chapter 8 in preparation for the chapter 8 test on May 3.

Math 9 - We have started Chapter 5 on Special Products and Factoring. Students should complete the practice problems in each section.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 19, 2010 (week 30)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will begin our study of thermodynamics, which is the study of heat energy and transfer.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the chapter 14 test on April 20. We are starting chapter 17 on Reflection and Refraction of light waves.

Science 10 - We have begun chapter 8 Motion. Students should complete the workbook chapter 8 in preparation for the motion test in a few weeks.

Math 9 - This week we will complete chapter 4. Students should complete all of the practice problems in chapter 4 in preparation for the chapter 4 test on April 23.

Friday, April 9, 2010

April 12, 2010 (week 29)

AP Physics 12 - We will study chapter 22 Electromagnetism this week. Reminder to get thinking about your physics project due later in May.

Physics 11 - We will have the chapter 14 test on April 20. This week we will get started with chapter 17 Reflection and Refraction. Reminder to submit Playland Fieldtrip $17 and Consent Forms due by April 16.

Science 10 - This week we will wrap up chapter 7 Radioactivity. Students must complete workbook chapter 7 in preparation for the chapter 7 test on April 16.

Math 9 - We are currently working in chapter 4 Polynomials. Students must complete the practice problems in each section of the text.