Friday, October 28, 2011

October 31, 2011 (week 9)

AP Physics 12 - this week we will study forces acting concurrently to produce an equilibrium of forces that act upon an object. We will also learn about the buoyant force that fluids exert on submerged objects.

Physics 12 - We will study forces that act simultaneously upon an object to produce equilibrium.

Physics 11 - We have started chapter 5 Dynamics: the study of Forces. We will be using the new Gore workbook to learn about Newton's 3 laws of motion.

Science 10 - this week we will learn about how atoms can bond together to form compounds. Students should be completing workbook chapter 4 at their own pace.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 24, 2011 (week 8)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will learn about pulleys systems on an incline and Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.

Physics 12 - same as the AP Physics 12 above.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the chapter 4 Acceleration test on October 26.

Science 10 - Reminder of the chapter 9 Acceleration test on October 26.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 17, 2011 (week 7)

AP Physics 12 - We are currently studying chapter 4 Dynamics. This week we will apply Newton's 2nd law of motion to pulley systems and more inclined plane problems.

Physics 12 - same as AP physics 12 above.

Physics 11 - This week we will wrap up chapter 4 Accelerated Motion. Reminder of the chapter 4 test on October 26.

Science 10 - This week we wrap up chapter 9 Accelerated Motion. Reminder of the chapter 9 test on October 26.

October 9, 2011 (week 6)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will finish up Quantum Theory. Reminder of the Quantum test on October 17.

Physics 12 - This week we will study Newton's 2nd Law of motion as it applies to object being dragged across horizontal surfaces and moving up/down the inclined plane.

Physics 11 - We will learn about the acceleration due to gravity on earth and complete our chapter 4 practice problems.

Science 10 - We will study chapter 9.2 accelerated motion and learn about the acceleration due to gravity on earth.