Thursday, October 18, 2007

October 22, 2007 (week 8)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of chapter 4 test on October 25. We will begin chapter 5 this week (Circular Motion, centripetal force and centripetal acceleration). Concurrently, we will begin working on ch.15 Thermodynamics. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems from each chapter in preparation for the chapter tests.

Physics 12 - Reminder of chapter 4 test on October 25. We will begin chapter 5 this week (Circular Motion, centripetal force and centripetal acceleration). Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter test.

Physics 11 - Reminder of chapter 4 test on October 22. We will begin chapter 5 this week - Dynamnics is the study of forces that produce or change motion. Students must complete a minimum of 25 practice problems and/or review problems in preparation for the chapter test.

Science 8 - Students must decide which type of science project they are going to complete. Choices so far include (1) Science Fair, (2) Blog, (3) Wiki, (4) United Streaming, (5) Slideshow, (6) Infomercial, (7) Website creation, or (8) other? Project will count 15% of term mark and so it is important to pick a project and topic that truly interests you. Also, choose your partner(s) wisely as you want to share the workload and need dependable partners to contribute their fair share. Reminder of chapter 11 test on October 29. We will begin chapter 12 this week (How Changes in Water Quantity and Quality Can Affect Living Things). Students should begin to read chapter 12 and complete their workbooks at their own pace.

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