Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 17, 2007 (week 16)

AP Physics 12 - We will continue to work on chapter 7 (Impulse and Momentum) until the Christmas Break and the test will be early in January 2008. Reminder of the comprehensive exam covering chapters 2 through 6 on Dec 18. We will also finish up chapter 15 thermodynamics early in January 2008, test date TBA.

Physics 12 - Same as the posting above for AP Physics 12 except that we do not study chapter 15 thermodynamics in this course. Reminder of the comprehensive exam on Dec 18.

Physics 11 - We are finished with chapter 7 Vectors and chapter 8.1 projectile motion. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems from chapter 7 in addition to the assigned chapter 8 problems in preparation for the test December 19 on vectors and projectile motion.

Science 8 - Students should complete workbook chapter 7 in preparation for the chapter 7 test Dec 18. We will be starting chapter 8 later in the week (Fluids).