Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 14, 2008 (week 30)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will study chapter 22 Electromagnetism. We want to finish the course this week so that next week we can do some review in preparation for the AP Exam in May. Reminder of the AP Practice Exam session to be held on Monday, April 21 from 3:30 to 9:30 PM. Free pizza dinner to be provided by the science department!

Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 20 Circuits Test on April 17. This week we start chapter 21 Magnetism. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 21 test, date TBA.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the chapter 12 Thermal Energy Test on April 14. This week we start chapter 14 waves.

Science 8 - Reminder of the chapter 2 Body Systems Test on April 14. This week Mr. Grewal will start chapter 3 Immune System. This is a great chapter for students who have not yet completed a science project. They should look through the chapter and find a topic to explore (virus, bacteria, diseases, other). The project must be an electronic presentation to the classroom - PowerPoint, photo slide show, video infomercial, etc.

Math 9 - Reminder of the chapter 4 Polynomials test on April 16. This week we begin chapter 5. Students must complete the practice problems in each section of chapter 5.