Friday, September 12, 2008

September 15, 2008 (week 3)

AP Physics 12 - Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems from chapter 2 and another 25 problems from chapter 3 in preparation for the chapter 2/3 test on September 23. This week we will start Thermodynamics Chapter 14 - the study of heat energy and transfer.

Physics 12 - This week we will study motion in 2-dimensions (projectile motion). This correlates to textbook chapters 3.3 and 3.4. Reminder that students must complete a minimum of 25 problems from chapter 2 and another 25 problems from chapter 3 in preparation for the chapter 2/3 test on September 23.

Physics 11 - This week we will finish chapter 3. We will learn about relative velocities as well as velocity and acceleration vectors. Reminder that students must complete a minimum of 25 Problems in preparation for the chapter 3 test on September 23.

Science 8 - This week we will continue to learn about the Kinetic Molecular Theory (chapter 7). We will do some activities related to measuring volume and mass and we will learn how to determine the density of a substance.