Friday, October 31, 2008

November 3, 2008 (week 10)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 4 second quiz this week. We are currently working on chapter 5 Centripetal Force and chapter 15 Thermodynamics.

Physics 12 - We will have a chapter 4 second quiz later this week. We are currently working on chapter 5 Centripetal Force. Students must complete the textbook problems at end of chapter 5 in addition to the testbank worksheets provided in class.

Physics 11 - We have begun chapter 5 Dynamics, the study of forces. We will do activities related to tension, elastic force, gravitational force and frictional force. Reminder to work on the practice problems in chapter 5.

Science 8 - We are beginning chapter 8.2 on Pressure. Please bring a calculator to class as we will be doing some calculations involving pressure. Students who have the workbook are reminded to work at their own pace to complete all of workbook chapter 8.