Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 19, 2009 (week 19)

AP Physics 12 - We will finish the air table activity on conservation of momentum in 2 dimensions. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 6 & 7 Energy & Momentum test on January 30.

Physics 12 - We will finish the air table activity on conservation of momentum in 2 dimensions. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 6 & 7 Energy and Momentum test on January 29.

Physics 11 - We will finish learning about conservation of momentum during collisions. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 9 test on January 29.

Science 8 - We will finish chapter 1 Cells and students should complete all of workbook chapter One in preparation for the chapter 1 test on January 29.