Friday, May 29, 2009

June 1, 2009 (week 37)

AP Physics 12
Labs on circuits and electromagnetic induction due June 1
Chapter 21/22 test on June 3
In class final exam on June 9
Textbook collection June 9.

Physics 12
Chapter 21/22 test on June 2
In class final exam on June 8
Textbook collection June 8.

Physics 11
Chapter 18 test on June 2
Nuclear fission and fusions assignment due June 8. Early bird bonus deadline is June 5.
In class final exam on June 8
Textbook collection June 8.

Science 8
Chapter 11 workbook is due on the test date June 4.
Chapter 12 Review on pages 464-465 and chapter 12 workbook are due by June 10.
Textbook collection

Math 9
Working on chapter 9 graphs and best fit lines
Reviewing for final exam.
Final exam part one (free response) on June 5
Final exam part two (multiple choice) on June 9

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 25, 2009 (week 36)

AP Physics 12 - Here is the schedule for the remainder of this course:

  • Chapter 20 test on May 26
  • Lab on e-m induction followed by the chapter 21/22 test on June 3.
  • In-class final exam on June 9.

Physics 12 - We have begun our final chapter 22 on Electromagnetic Induction. Here are the remaining tasks.
  • Chapter 21 problems are due May 29.
  • Chapter 22 problems are due June 2.
  • Test on chapters 21/22 on June 2.
  • Lastly, we will write the in-class Final Exam on June 8.

Physics 11 - This week we will finish chapter 18 Optics. Students will work on chapter 18 problems as well as their Nuclear Fission and Fusion assignment which is due June 8. The chapter 18 test will be on June 2, and the final exam will be written on June 8.

Science 8 - Reminder of the chapter 10 test on May 29. This week we begin chapter 11 Oceans.

Math 9 - We have completed chapter 81 - 8.5. Project are due May 26 and there will be a chapter 8 test on May 28 for those students who did not complete the project. Reminder of the Final exam that will be written in class on June 5 and June 9.

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 19, 2009 (week 35)

AP Physics 12 - Good luck to everyone on their AP Exams. We will suspend our class for a few weeks until all of your AP exams are out of the way. Here is the schedule for the remainder of the year:
*We will resume class on May 20.
*Lab on DC Circuits followed by the Chapter 20 test on May 26.
*Lab on e-m induction in solenoids followed by Chapter 21/22 Test on June 3.
*In-class final examination worth 10% of overall mark on June 9.

Physics 12 - We have just about completed chapter 21 Magnetism and students should complete at least 25 practice problems in preparation for the test in a few weeks.

Physics 11 - This week we are starting chapter 18 Optics. Please bring a compass and protractor to class if you have them.

Science 8 - We have started chapter 10 Water Cycle on Earth. Students must complete the Check Your Understanding questions at the end of each section.

Math 9 - We have completed chapter 81 - 8.5 Transformations. Students can choose to complete a project or write a test. The project is due May 22, the test will be on May 26.

Friday, May 8, 2009

May 11, 2009 (week 34)

AP Physics 12 - Good luck to everyone on their AP Exams. We will suspend our class for a few weeks until all of your AP exams are out of the way. Here is the schedule for the remainder of the year:
*We will resume class on May 20.
*Chapter 20 test on May 26.
*Chapter 21/22 Test on June 3.
*In-class final examination worth 10% of overall mark on June 9.

Physics 12 - Students must complete a minimum of 25 practice problems in preparation for the chapter 20 test on May 11. We have started chapter 21 Magnetism and students should read ahead and get started on the practice problems in textbook.

Physics 11 - Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 17 test on May 14. The test also includes material from chapter 14 waves.

Science 8 - We will dissect a cows eye this week and will have a short quiz on human vision later in the week. Next week we begin the final unit on Water Systems.

Math 9 - We have just about completed chapter 8 Transformations. Students must complete the practice problems in each section of chapter 8. We will have a test or project next week.