Friday, May 29, 2009

June 1, 2009 (week 37)

AP Physics 12
Labs on circuits and electromagnetic induction due June 1
Chapter 21/22 test on June 3
In class final exam on June 9
Textbook collection June 9.

Physics 12
Chapter 21/22 test on June 2
In class final exam on June 8
Textbook collection June 8.

Physics 11
Chapter 18 test on June 2
Nuclear fission and fusions assignment due June 8. Early bird bonus deadline is June 5.
In class final exam on June 8
Textbook collection June 8.

Science 8
Chapter 11 workbook is due on the test date June 4.
Chapter 12 Review on pages 464-465 and chapter 12 workbook are due by June 10.
Textbook collection

Math 9
Working on chapter 9 graphs and best fit lines
Reviewing for final exam.
Final exam part one (free response) on June 5
Final exam part two (multiple choice) on June 9