Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 28, 2009 (week 4)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will finish up chapter 3 projectile motion. Students must complete a minimum of 50 problems in preparation for the Chapter 2/3 test on October 5. We will continue our studies in Quantum Physics which is the physics of the atom and it's energy levels.

Physics 11 - This week we will continue to study motion graphs. Students should complete all of the practice problems in chapter 3 in preparation for the chapter 3 test on October 8.

Here is a checklist of things students need to do in preparation for the test.

  • Look over all the example problems in this chapter
  • Finish the sample test questions from testbank
  • Complete most of the Practice problems in this chapter
  • Try some of the end of chapter Review Problems
    Must submit a minimum of 25 problems from the textbook, chosen from Practice and/or Review problems. These are due at start of class on the test date.
  • Attend the peer-tutoring in room E202 on Collabortion days starting in October.
  • All answers to textbook problems are on Mr. Fuerderer's Homework Site.

Science 10 - Students must choose their ecology project topic this week. We will try to finish with chapter 1 this week and students must complete all of workbook chapter 1 in preparation for the chapter 1 test on October 14.

Math 9 - This week we will continue our studies in chapter 1 and learn about the exponent rules and solving problems that involve exponents. Students must complete all of the practice problems in each section of chapter 1.

Orlando Fieldtrip - Reminder to submit your application form along with the $500 deposit to Mr. Fuerderer in room A213 as soon as possible.