Tuesday, March 30, 2010

April 6, 2010 (week 28)

AP Physics 12 - Students will write a practice AP Exam on April 6. Later in the week we will do a lab activity related to electromagnetic induction. We'll also get started with chapter 22 Electromagnetism.

Physics 11 - Students will do an activity involving waves in a slinky. We'll have a quiz on chapter 14.1 on April 8.

Science 10 - Students will do an activity that models radioactive decay and learn about half-life of radioisotopes. They should also be completing workbook chapter 7 in preparation for the chapter 7 test on April 16.

Math 9 - We have started chapter 4 Polynomials and students must complete the practice problems in each section of the chapter. Mr. Ho will teach students how to add/subtract polynomials.