Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 17, 2010 (week 34)

AP Physics 12 - We resume classes this week. Reminder of the chapter 20 Circuits test on May 21 and the chapter 21/22 test on Electromagnetism will be held on May 27. Projects are due June 1 and must be ready for presentation on that date.

Physics 11 - Reminder that missed tests from term 3 will be written on May 17. We are just finishing chapter 18 Optics. Students should complete all of the practice problems in preparation for the chapter 18 Optics test on May 26.

Science 10 - We have started the final Unit in Science 10 which includes chapters 10, 11, and 12. Students should be reading each chapter and making notes that they can use during the unit test in a few weeks. They also need to complete their workbook in its entirety by June 4. Reminder of the Science 10 Exam on May 26 covering chapters 1 through 9.

Math 9 - We have completed chapter 5 Polynomials. Students should be reviewing and practicing for the chapter 5 test on May 20.