Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 18, 2010 (week 7)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will work on chapter 4 Universal Gravitation and Gravitational Potential Energy. Students should be reading their text and completing the odd numbered problems in their textbook for practice. We will also study some Quantum Physics, specifically the Photoelectric Effect.

Physics 12 - This week we will study Isaac Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation in chapter 4.7. Students should be looking over the example problems and completing the odd numbered review problems in their textbook for practice. Reminder that students must submit a minimum of 50 problems in preparation for the chapter 2/3 test on October 25

Physics 11 - We have finished chapter 4 Accelerated Motion and will spend one more class reviewing the various kinematics graphs. Students should be completing all of the practice problems in chapter four in preparation for the chapter 4 test on October 25.

Science 10 - This week we finish chapter 2.2 Nutrient Cycles in Ecosystems. Students should be reading their text and making their own study notes and/or completing the review questions in their textbook. Students who purchased workbooks can simply complete all of the questions in their workbook.

Math 8 - This week we begin chapter 3 on Squares, Square Roots, and Pythagorean Relation.
Students should complete the odd numbered problems for their homework and they must show their workings as per the example problems. Those who need extra practice should also do the even numbered problems. Reminder of the chapter 2 was rather long and so students will get more time to finish the chapter 2 test on October 19.