Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 8, 2010 (week 10)

AP Physics 12 - We will conclude our studies of Quantum Physics this week. Reminder of the quantum physics test on November 15. We will also get started with chapter 5 Centripetal Force and Acceleration.

Physics 12 - We have started chapter 5 Centripetal Force and Acceleration. Students should be working on the examples and review problems in their textbook.

Physics 11 - This week we will get started with chapter 5 Dynamics: the study of forces. Students should be looking over the examples and completing the practice problems in their text.

Science 10 - We have started Chapter 3 Ecosystems Change Continually Over Time. Students should be reading their text and making their own study notes and/or completing the review questions in their textbook or workbook. Also, I hope to involve students in a collaborative project using Google Docs or Wikispaces to compile a set of notes for chapter 3. The notes would be designed to support our ESL students and also students with learning disabilities. We need a chief editor and a few contributing writers to make this a success.

Math 8 - Reminder of the chapter 3 test on November 9. This week we will get started with chapter 4 Percents. Students should complete the odd numbered problems for their homework and they must show their workings as per the example problems. Those who need extra practice should also do the even numbered problems too.