Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 6, 2011 (week 1)

Welcome back to school everyone. I encourage you to check this blog for weekly updates and course information. This week we will establish some classroom routines and begin our studies.

Orlando Fieldtrip 2012 - Please visit Mr. Fuerderer in room 309 if you are interested in participating in this science-theme fieltrip during Spring Break 2012. We will visit numerous theme parks in the Orlando Florida area and each park has a science-related education program. Space is limited so be sure to submit your application as soon as possible.

AP Physics 12 - We will begin by reviewing kinematics equations and graphs.

Physics 12 - We will begin by reviewing kinematics equations and graphs.

Physics 11 - We are starting with Chapter 3 Uniform Motion which means motion in a straight lline with constant speed.

Science 10 - We will begin with Chapter 8 Uniform Motion which means motion in a straight line with constant speed.