Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 14, 2008 (week 18)

AP Physics 12 - Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 7 test on January 15. This week we will finish up chapter 15 thermodynamics and we will start chapter 9 torque. Reminder to get studying for the physics spring exam scheduled for early February.

Physics 12 - Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the ch 7 test on January 15. This week we will start chapter 9 (Torque). Reminder to get studying for the physics spring exam scheduled for early February.

Physics 11 - We will finish our brief unit on Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. Since this topic is not coverered in our texts students need to pay close attention to the teacher and take good notes. Students must complete the assigned worksheets in preparation for the test next week, test date TBA.

Science 8 - We will finish chapter 8 Fluids this week. Students should be completing section 8 of their workbook at their own pace in preparation for the chapter 8 test on January 23.