Thursday, January 24, 2008

January 28, 2008 (week 20)

AP Physics 12 - We will continue to work on chapter 9 Torque problems. Students must complete a minimum of 25 practice problems in preparation for the Ch 9 test on February 5. Reminder to get studying for the SPRING EXAM (worth 20% of term 2 mark) scheduled for February 11.

Physics 12 - We will continue to work on chapter 9 Torque problems. Students must complete a minimum of 25 practice problems in preparation foe the Ch 9 test on February 5. Reminder to get studying for the SPRING EXAM (worth 20% of term 2 mark) scheduled for February 11. Help is available Wednesday mornings during collaboration time in room E202.

Physics 11 - We will continue to work on chapter 9 Momentum and Impulse. We will do a few simple activities to emphasize the concept of conservation of momentum. Reminder of the SPRING EXAM (worth 20% of term 2 mark) scheduled for February 11. Help is available Wednesday mornings during collaboration time in room E202.

Science 8 - We are currently reading chapter 9 Natural and Constructed Fluid Systems. Students should be completing the workbook at their own pace. Reminder to Science Fair participants that they are expected to make a "dry-run" presentation to the class sometime this week.