Thursday, February 28, 2008

March 3, 2008 (week 25)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will write a practice AP EXAM and begin chapter 19 Electric Potential.

Physics 12 - This week we will begin chapter 19 Electric Potential.

Physics 11 - We will finish chapter 11 Energy Conservation this week. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 11 test, date TBA.

Science 8 - Quiz on chapter 1.2 Cell Organelles on March 3. This week we welcome Mr. Grewal (UBC student teacher) who will help us to finish up chapter 1 on Cells. Students must complete workbook chapter 1 in preparation for the chapter 1 test on March 10.

Math 9 - Reminder of the chapter 6 trigonometry test on March 4. This week we begin chapter 7 Area and Volume of various shapes and figures. Students must complete the practice problems in each section of chapter 7.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

February 25, 2008 (week 24)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder that Feb 25th is the make-up date for those students who have missed a test in term 2, or those who have failed a test and wish to re-write. We have finished chapter 18 Electrostatics and students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 18 test on February 28.

Physics 12 - Reminder that Feb 25th is the make-up date for those students who have missed a test in term 2, or those who have failed a test and with to re-write. We have finished chapter 18 Electrostatics and students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 18 test on February 28.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the chapter 9 Momentum test on February 25, as well as the chapter 10.1 quiz on Work, Energy, Power. This week we will complete chapter 11 Energy Conservation. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 11 test on March 4th.

Science 8 - This week we will learn about plant cells and animal cells, their similarities and differences. Students must memorize the main organelles and their function. Expect a quiz on section 1.2 on March 3. Students should also complete workbook chapter 1 at their own pace, in preparation for the chapter 1 test on March 10.

Math 9 - We have completed chapter 6 Trigonometry and we will spend one more period practicint to solve word problems involving triangles. Students should complete the practice problems from each section in chapter 6 in preparation for the chapter 6 test on March 4.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

February 18, 2008 (week 23)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will finish chapter 18 Electrostatics. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 18 test on February 28.

Physics 12 - This week we will finish chapter 18 Electrostatics. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 18 test on February 28.

Physics 11 - This week we will begin to study chapter 11 Conservation of Mechanical Energy. Students should complete all of the practice problems in the chapter and are expected to complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 11 test, date TBA. Reminder of the chapter 10.1 Quiz on February 25.

Science 8 - This week we will learn about chapter 1 Cells, comparing plant cells to animal cells. Students should complete the workbook chapter 1 at their own pace in preparation for the test, date TBA.

Math 9 - This week we will finish chapter 6 Trigonometry. We will do lots of small quizzes to check for understanding. Students are expected to do the PRACTICE problems in each section of chapter 6 in preparation for the chapter 6 test on March 1st.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

February 11, 2008 (week 22)

AP Physics 12 - Spring Exam on Feb 11 and a practice AP Spring Exam on Feb 13. Later this week we will start chapter 18 Electrostatics (static electricity). This is a relativily short and easy chapter but it is fundamental to your success in the upcoming chapters on electricity and magnetism.

Physics 12 - Spring Exam on Feb 11. This week we begin chapter 18 Electrostatics. This is a rather short and easy chapter but a very important one that is fundamental to your success in the upcoming chapters on electricity and magnetism.

Physics 11 - Spring Exam on Feb 12. This week we will begin chapter 10 Work, Energy and Power. This is still in the realm of classical (old-school) physics and we will learn to solve problems involving kinetic and potential energy.

Science 8 - Reminder to have your workbook chapter 9 completed in preparation for the chapter 9 test on Feb 11/12. This week we begin chapter 1 Cells. Students will practice using a microscope to view specimens and to make drawings of the speciments under magnigication. Students should begin working on workbook chapter 1.

Math 9 - We are currently working on chapter 6 Trigonometry (the mathematics of triangles). Students are to complete the practice problems in every section of chapter 6 in preparation for their chapter 6 test, date TBA.

Friday, February 1, 2008

February 4, 2008 (week 21)

AP Physics 12 - Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems from chapter 9 in preparation for the Torque test on Feb 5. Also, we will do some review (practice exams) in preparation for the Spring Exam on Feb 11.

Physics 12 - Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems from chapter 9 in preparation for the Torque test on Feb 5. Also, we will do some review (practice exams) in preparation for the Spring Exam on Feb 11.

Physics 11 - This week we will finish chapter 9 Impulse and Momentum. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 9 Momentum test on February 14. We will also review (practice exams) for the Spring Exam on Feb 12.

Science 8 - Students should finish reading and complete workbook chapter 9 in preparation for the chapter 9 test on Feb 11. We will also be starting chapter 1 Cells this week and soon we will welcome UBC student teacher Mr. Grewal who has a degree in biochemistry!