Friday, February 1, 2008

February 4, 2008 (week 21)

AP Physics 12 - Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems from chapter 9 in preparation for the Torque test on Feb 5. Also, we will do some review (practice exams) in preparation for the Spring Exam on Feb 11.

Physics 12 - Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems from chapter 9 in preparation for the Torque test on Feb 5. Also, we will do some review (practice exams) in preparation for the Spring Exam on Feb 11.

Physics 11 - This week we will finish chapter 9 Impulse and Momentum. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 9 Momentum test on February 14. We will also review (practice exams) for the Spring Exam on Feb 12.

Science 8 - Students should finish reading and complete workbook chapter 9 in preparation for the chapter 9 test on Feb 11. We will also be starting chapter 1 Cells this week and soon we will welcome UBC student teacher Mr. Grewal who has a degree in biochemistry!