Thursday, February 7, 2008

February 11, 2008 (week 22)

AP Physics 12 - Spring Exam on Feb 11 and a practice AP Spring Exam on Feb 13. Later this week we will start chapter 18 Electrostatics (static electricity). This is a relativily short and easy chapter but it is fundamental to your success in the upcoming chapters on electricity and magnetism.

Physics 12 - Spring Exam on Feb 11. This week we begin chapter 18 Electrostatics. This is a rather short and easy chapter but a very important one that is fundamental to your success in the upcoming chapters on electricity and magnetism.

Physics 11 - Spring Exam on Feb 12. This week we will begin chapter 10 Work, Energy and Power. This is still in the realm of classical (old-school) physics and we will learn to solve problems involving kinetic and potential energy.

Science 8 - Reminder to have your workbook chapter 9 completed in preparation for the chapter 9 test on Feb 11/12. This week we begin chapter 1 Cells. Students will practice using a microscope to view specimens and to make drawings of the speciments under magnigication. Students should begin working on workbook chapter 1.

Math 9 - We are currently working on chapter 6 Trigonometry (the mathematics of triangles). Students are to complete the practice problems in every section of chapter 6 in preparation for their chapter 6 test, date TBA.