Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May 12, 2008 (week 34)

AP Physics 12 - classes cancelled during the duration of the AP Exams. Good luck to everyone on their exams.

Physics 12 - We have started chapter 22 Electromagnetic Induction (Electromagnetism). As per usual students must complete a minimum of 25 practice problems in preparation for the chapter test. This is probably the toughest chapter in the course and so we will spend extra time to cover this material and students are strongly encouraged to do as many extra practice problems as they can in order to master this content.

Physics 11 - This week we will start chapter 18 Optics and do a few activities involving mirrors and lenses. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems in preparation for the chapter 17 test on May 20.

Science 8 - This week we will finish chapter 4 Waves. Students must complete all of workbook chapter 4 in preparation for the chapter 4 test on May 20.

Math 9 - We will continue to work in chapter 5 up to and including section 5.11. Students should complete the practice problems in each section of chapter 5 in preparation for the chapter 5 test on date May 27.