Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 20, 2008 (week 35)

AP Physics 12 - Classes resume May 20. Reminder of the chapter 20 DC Circuits Test on May 22.

Physics 12 - We should complete chapter 22 Electromagnetism by the end of this week or early next week at the latest. Students must complete at least 25 practice problems in preparation for the chapter 22 test on June 2.

Physics 11 - We will finish chapter 18 Optics this week. Students must complete at least 25 problems from their textbook in preparation for the chapter 18 test on June 3.

Science 8 - This week we will start chapter 5 Optics. We will do most of the activities in this section as they are quite interesting and involve mirrors and lenses. Students should complete all of workbook chapter 5 in preparation for the chapter 5 test on June 3.

Math 9 - Reminder to complete all of the practice problems in preparation for the chapter 5 test on May 28.