Friday, June 25, 2010

September 7, 2010 (week 1)

Welcome back to school everyone. This week we'll establish some classroom routines and get started with our studies. Please remember to check this Blog for weekly updates and course information.

Florida Fieldtrip 2011 - Science 9 and Science 10 students are invited to participate in the 2011 Florida Fieldtrip which will take place May 11-18, 2011. We will visit various theme parks in the Orlando Florida area and participate in backstage tours and educational programs that will demonstrate science in action and science related careers. Please see me in room A213 right away to pick up an Application Form. There will be an Informational meeting on Wednesday, September 15 at lunch time in room A213.

AP Physics 12 - We begin with a quick review of chapters 2 kinematics equations and graphs, and then we will turn our attention to chapter 3 kinematics in 2D (projectile motion). Students should bring a usb memory stick to class so that I can share with them sample Exam questions.

Physics 12 - same as AP Physics 12 above

Physics 11 - We will do a quick review of the material you learned in Science 10 Motion Unit and then we'll begin chapter 3 Kinematics (the study of motion). We will spend a lot of time on graphs and learning to depict motion graphically. Students are expected to complete all of the practice problems in the textbook.

Science 10 - We are starting with chapter 1 Biomes and Ecosystems. Students are encouraged to purchase the workbook which has proven to be an excellent learning resource, it contains plenty of practice exercises and sample test questions. Students will also have an opportunity to work on their first project on Ecology. Please read the Orlando Fieldtrip invitation above.

Math 8 - We begin with Chapter 1 Representing Data Graphically. Students are expected to attempt (and hopefully complete) all of the practice questions in their textbook.