Friday, January 7, 2011

January 10, 2011 (week 17)

AP Physics 12 - Students should be working on their AP Physics Project due at the end of January. This week we will learn about fluid flow rate and Bernoulli's Principle. Reminder the the SHM and Fluids test on January 14. Also, students should begin studying for the Spring Exam in early February.

Physics 12 - We will go over the Work, Energy, Power tests from December 17. This week we will study the conservation of momentum in collisions (linear collisions and also 2-dimensional collisions). Students should also start studying for the Spring Exam in early February.

Physics 11 - We have started chapter 9 Impulse and Momentum. We will learn about the Conservation of Momentum Law and how it applies to linear collisions. We will also learn about vectors and scalers.

Science 10 - This week we will complete chapter 4.3 and learn how to write balanced chemical equations. Students should be completing workbook chapter 4 in preparation for the test in a few weeks.

Math 8 - Mr. Bertness has requested that we skip chapter 6 and proceed to chapter 7 Volume. He will cover chapter 6 when he takes over this class later in January. This week we will learn how calculate the volume of cubes, prisms and cylinders.