Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 24, 2011 (week 19)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the test on SHM and Fluids on January 24. Also, reminder that projects are due January 28 and they are worth 5% of term two mark. This week we will finish with momentum and energy and start reviewing for the mid-course exam on February 7.

Physics 12 - This week we will review for the mid-course exam on February 7. We will also get started with chapter 9 Torque.

Physics 11 - This week we will review and prepare for the chapter 9 momentum test on January 27. Students should be completing the practice problems and end of chapter review problems in preparation for the test.

Science 10 - This week we will finish chapter 5.1 on Acids and bases. Students should be completing workbook chapter 5.1.

Math 8 - Reminder of the chapter 7 test on January 27. Students should be completing the practice problems in each section in preparation for the chapter 7 test. Next week this class will be taught by Mr. Bertness. A very nice bunch of grade 8's and I wish them all continued success with their new math 8 teacher.