Friday, September 28, 2007

October 1, 2007 (week 5)

AP Physics 12 - We have begun chapter 4 Dynamics, the study of forces. Recall Newton's 3 laws of motion that we studied back in physics 11. We will also continue to work concurrently with chapter 14 Gas Laws. Students should be working on the textbook review problems at the end of each chapter, minimum of 25 problems to be completed in each chapter. Reminder of the chapter 3 test on October 5.

Physics 12 - We have begun chapter 4 Dynamics, the study of forces. Much of this should look familiar from Physics 11 (Newton's 3 laws of motion). Reminder of the chapter 3 test on October 5. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems by the test date.

Physics 11 - We have begun chapter 4 on accelerated motion. Students should work on the practice problems in chapter 4 and also try the Review problems at end of chapter. Minimum of 25 problems are due as the chapter assignment.

Science 8 - Reminder of the chapter 10 test on October 1. Students must have all of their workbook completed (chapter 10) and it is due the start of class on October 1. We have begun to explore possible topics for Science Fair and students should have chosen a topic and partner by middle of October. We will also begin to read and study chapter 11 on the worlds Oceans.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 24, 2007 (week 4)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will complete chapter 3 projectile motion. Ch.3 test on October 5th. We will also start studying chapter 14 Gas Laws (Ideal Gas Law). This topic is outside of the regular physics 12 curriculum but you will find it interesting and straightforward, particularly if you have studied senior chemistry.

Physics 12 - We will complete ch.3 projectile motion this week and the ch.3 test will be on October 5th.

Physics 11 -Reminder of ch.3 test (uniform motion) on Sept 26 and a minimum of 25 problems are due at the start of class on that day. We will also begin to work on chapter 4 which deals with motion that involves acceleration.

Science 8 - Reminder of the fieldtrip to Seymour watershed on Monday, Sept 24th. If you are attending please meet in front of the Terry Fox Theatre at 8am and the bus departs at 8:15 so don't be late. We will complete chapter 10 this week and the chapter 10 test will be on Monday Octobert 1. You must turn in your workbook with all of chapter 10 completed on the day of the test at the start of class.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 17, 2007 (week 3)

AP Physics 12 - Working on chapter 3 projectile motion problems. This week we will try to videotape some projectile motion and use LoggerPro software to perform video analysis of the motion to depict the motion graphically. Reminder of the chapter 2 kinematics test on Sept.18 (minimum of 25 homework problems must be completed by this due date).

Physics 12 - Same as the AP physics 12 posting above.

Physics 11 - Students should be working on the practice problems and review problems for chapter 3. This week we will learn about relative velocity and addition of velocity vectors. Chapter 3 test on September 26 (minimum of 25 homework problems must be completed by this due date).

Science 8 - We will continue to read chapter 10.3 and 10.4 and students should complete these section in their workbook. Reminder of the fieldtrip to Seymour Water Reservoir on Monday, Sept 24th. Meet out front of the building at 8 am, bus departs at 8:15 am sharp.

Friday, September 7, 2007

September 10, 2007 (week 2)

AP Physics 12 - we will review kinematics graphs and do some AP exams questions related to this. Students should work on textbook chapter 2 problems (odds) starting on page 49.

Physics 11 - We will learn how to solve problems involving uniform motion (chapter 3) and how to depict the motion graphically. Students should work on the textbook chapter 3 practice problems and also the end of chapter review problems starting on page 59. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems but I encourage them to do more than the minimum if they want to do well on the test. We will have the chapter 3 test on September 24th and that is the due date for the chapter 3 assignment.

Science 8 - We have begun reading chapter 10 and students should be completing the tasks in their workbook. Please remember to bring $7 if you plan to write in your workbook, and also to bring $10 and the signed fieldtrip form if you wish to attend the fieldtrip to the Seymour Water Reservoire on Monday, Sept. 24.