Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 24, 2007 (week 4)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will complete chapter 3 projectile motion. Ch.3 test on October 5th. We will also start studying chapter 14 Gas Laws (Ideal Gas Law). This topic is outside of the regular physics 12 curriculum but you will find it interesting and straightforward, particularly if you have studied senior chemistry.

Physics 12 - We will complete ch.3 projectile motion this week and the ch.3 test will be on October 5th.

Physics 11 -Reminder of ch.3 test (uniform motion) on Sept 26 and a minimum of 25 problems are due at the start of class on that day. We will also begin to work on chapter 4 which deals with motion that involves acceleration.

Science 8 - Reminder of the fieldtrip to Seymour watershed on Monday, Sept 24th. If you are attending please meet in front of the Terry Fox Theatre at 8am and the bus departs at 8:15 so don't be late. We will complete chapter 10 this week and the chapter 10 test will be on Monday Octobert 1. You must turn in your workbook with all of chapter 10 completed on the day of the test at the start of class.


Anonymous said...

i dont understand this at all. you still need to teach us some stuff! can we have an extension for the test please?

sfuerderer said...

Dear Anonymous,
Which class are you in and what exactly is giving you troubles. If you are more specific I can help. When you say that I need to teach "us" some stuff, are you speaking on behalf of others or simply your own frustrations coming through