Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 17, 2007 (week 3)

AP Physics 12 - Working on chapter 3 projectile motion problems. This week we will try to videotape some projectile motion and use LoggerPro software to perform video analysis of the motion to depict the motion graphically. Reminder of the chapter 2 kinematics test on Sept.18 (minimum of 25 homework problems must be completed by this due date).

Physics 12 - Same as the AP physics 12 posting above.

Physics 11 - Students should be working on the practice problems and review problems for chapter 3. This week we will learn about relative velocity and addition of velocity vectors. Chapter 3 test on September 26 (minimum of 25 homework problems must be completed by this due date).

Science 8 - We will continue to read chapter 10.3 and 10.4 and students should complete these section in their workbook. Reminder of the fieldtrip to Seymour Water Reservoir on Monday, Sept 24th. Meet out front of the building at 8 am, bus departs at 8:15 am sharp.

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