Friday, September 7, 2007

September 10, 2007 (week 2)

AP Physics 12 - we will review kinematics graphs and do some AP exams questions related to this. Students should work on textbook chapter 2 problems (odds) starting on page 49.

Physics 11 - We will learn how to solve problems involving uniform motion (chapter 3) and how to depict the motion graphically. Students should work on the textbook chapter 3 practice problems and also the end of chapter review problems starting on page 59. Students must complete a minimum of 25 problems but I encourage them to do more than the minimum if they want to do well on the test. We will have the chapter 3 test on September 24th and that is the due date for the chapter 3 assignment.

Science 8 - We have begun reading chapter 10 and students should be completing the tasks in their workbook. Please remember to bring $7 if you plan to write in your workbook, and also to bring $10 and the signed fieldtrip form if you wish to attend the fieldtrip to the Seymour Water Reservoire on Monday, Sept. 24.

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