Friday, December 12, 2008

December 15, 2008 (week 16)

Last week of classes before Christmas holidays. Let's make it a good one!

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the Unit Test covering chapters 2-6 (and a bit of thermodynamics) on December 16. We will finish up Simple Harmonic Motion SHM problems and try a few more PV graphs. Over the holidays I suggest that students visit AP Central website and download a few practice AP Physics exams.

Physics 12 - Reminder of the Unit Test covering chapter 2-6 on December 16. We have started chapter 7 Momentum and Impulse and will complete this chapter when we return to school in January 2009.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the Unit Test covering chapters 3-6 on December 16. We will spend one lesson learning about Isaac Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation which is a small section in chapter 8. We will start chapter 7 Momentum and Impulse when students return to school in January 2009.

Science 8 - We will finish up our lab activities involving the microscope. In the new year we will learn about Cell Organelles (chapter 1.2). Some students may opt to build a 3-D Model of the cell (plant or animal) and instructions can be found in textbook chapter 1. Please let Mr Fuerderer know if you are planning to work on this project over the holidays.