Friday, December 5, 2008

December 8, 2008 (week 15)

AP Physics 12 - We will finish chapter 6 Work, Energy, Power and prepare for the Unit Test on December 16 covering chapters 2-6 (and a wee bit on fluid theory too).

Physics 12 - We have finished chapter 6 Work, Energy, Power and are preparing for the Unit Test on December 17 covering chapters 2-6.

Physics 11 - We will finish chapter 6 Vectors this week and prepare for the Unit test on December 16 covering chapters 3-6.

Science 8 - Reminder of the chapter 9 Fluid Systems test on December 9. Students should complete all of workbook chapter 9 in preparation for the test. We have started chapter 1 Cells and we will spend a few periods learning to use the microscope and examining a variety of cells under magnification.