Wednesday, December 17, 2008

January 5, 2009 (week 17)

Welcome back to school everyone. I wish you all a happy and successful 2009!

AP Physics 12 - We will start Chapter 7 Momentum and Impulse. Reminder to do a minimum of 25 problems from the text and/or old provincial exams. Check out the school homework site for helpful information.

Physics 12 - We will continue with Chapter 7 Momentum and Impulse. Reminder to do a minimum of 25 problems from the text and/or old provincial exams. Check out the school homework site for helpful information.

Physics 11 - We will spend one lesson learning about Sir Isaac Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation which is covered breifly in chapter 8. Then we are starting Chapter 9 Momentum. Reminder to do a minimum of 25 problems from the text and/or testbank worksheets. Check our the school homework site for helpful information.

Science 8 - We will resume our studies in Chapter 1 Cells Are the Basic Unit of Life. Students should be completing workbook chapter 1 at their own pace in preparation for the end of chapter test, date TBA.