Friday, December 16, 2011

January 3, 2012 (week 16)

Welcome back to school everyone. I wish you all a very happy and rewarding New Year!

AP Physics 12 - We will be finishing chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power. Then we will get started with chapter 7 Momentum.

Physics 11 - We will review Dynamics (study of forces) and then continue with chapter 10.1 Work, Energy and Power.

Science 10 - We are starting chapter 5, the chemistry of Acids and Bases. This week we will do a few labs involving universal indicators to determine the pH of common acids and bases.

Friday, December 9, 2011

December 12, 2011 (week 15)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will continue to study chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power.

Physics 12 - We are starting chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power. Reminder of the chapter 5 test on December 14.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the chapter 9 Momentum Test on December 14.

Science 10 - Reminder of the chapter 4 Chemistry Test on December 15.

Merry Christmas to all my students. Have a joyous and restful vacation and all the best to you in 2012!~

Friday, December 2, 2011

December 5, 2011 (week 14)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will get started with chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power. Reminder of the chapter 5 test on December 9.

Physics 12 - This week we will study circular motion in the vertical plane and prepare for the chapter 5 test on December 14.

Physics 11 - This week we will study about the Law of Conservation of Momentum in chapter 9. We will have the chapter 9 test on December 14.

Science 10 - This week we will finish up chapter 4 in preparation for the chapter 4 test on December 9.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 28, 2011 (week 13)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will get started with chapter 6 Work, Energy, Power. Reminder of the chapter 5 test on December 9.

Physics 12 - This week we will learn about centripetal force produced by gravitational force.

Physics 11 - This week we will study Isaac Newton's Law of Universal Gravitational Force, and also elastic force (Hooke's Law). Then we will get started with the next chapter which is Momentum and Impulse.

Science 10 - This week we complete chapter 4.3 Writing Balanced Chemical Equations. Students should complete all of workbook chapter 4.3 in preparation for the upcoming chapter 4 test.

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 22, 2011 (week 12)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will learn about centripetal force provided by gravity.

Physics 12 - This week we will learn about centripetal force produced by tension and friction. Reminder of the term one exam on November 24.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the test on Newton's 3 Laws of Motion on November 12, and also the term one test on November 14.

Science 10 - This week we will start chaper 4.3 writing chemical equation and will learn to write balanced chemical equations. Students must be able to write names and formulas for ionic and covalent compounds or they will find the next few months very frustrating. Please ensure that students are very familiar with chapter 4.2.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 14, 2011 (week 11)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 4 Dynamics Test on November 14. This week we will learn about circular motion involving tension, friction and gravity.

Physics 12 - same as AP Physics 12.

Physics 11 - This week we will learn about Newton's 3rd Law of Motion and also do a lab on frictional force.

Science 10 - We will continue to practice writing the names and formulas for compounds (ionic and covalent). Students should be completing workbook chapter 4.

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 7, 2011 (week 10)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will begin chapter 5 Centripetal Force. Reminder of the chapter 4 dynamics test on November 14.

Physics 12 - Later this week we will get started with chapter 5 Centripetal Force. Reminder of the chapter 4 dynamics test on November 14.

Physics 11 - This week we will do a few activities related to Newton's 2nd Law of Motion. Students should be reading and completing the questions in the GORE workbook.

Science 10 - This week we begin chapter 4.2 Naming and Writing Formulas for ionic compounds. Students should be completing workbook chapter 4 at their own pace.

Friday, October 28, 2011

October 31, 2011 (week 9)

AP Physics 12 - this week we will study forces acting concurrently to produce an equilibrium of forces that act upon an object. We will also learn about the buoyant force that fluids exert on submerged objects.

Physics 12 - We will study forces that act simultaneously upon an object to produce equilibrium.

Physics 11 - We have started chapter 5 Dynamics: the study of Forces. We will be using the new Gore workbook to learn about Newton's 3 laws of motion.

Science 10 - this week we will learn about how atoms can bond together to form compounds. Students should be completing workbook chapter 4 at their own pace.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 24, 2011 (week 8)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will learn about pulleys systems on an incline and Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.

Physics 12 - same as the AP Physics 12 above.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the chapter 4 Acceleration test on October 26.

Science 10 - Reminder of the chapter 9 Acceleration test on October 26.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 17, 2011 (week 7)

AP Physics 12 - We are currently studying chapter 4 Dynamics. This week we will apply Newton's 2nd law of motion to pulley systems and more inclined plane problems.

Physics 12 - same as AP physics 12 above.

Physics 11 - This week we will wrap up chapter 4 Accelerated Motion. Reminder of the chapter 4 test on October 26.

Science 10 - This week we wrap up chapter 9 Accelerated Motion. Reminder of the chapter 9 test on October 26.

October 9, 2011 (week 6)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will finish up Quantum Theory. Reminder of the Quantum test on October 17.

Physics 12 - This week we will study Newton's 2nd Law of motion as it applies to object being dragged across horizontal surfaces and moving up/down the inclined plane.

Physics 11 - We will learn about the acceleration due to gravity on earth and complete our chapter 4 practice problems.

Science 10 - We will study chapter 9.2 accelerated motion and learn about the acceleration due to gravity on earth.

Friday, September 30, 2011

October 3, 2011 (week 5)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will finish up Quantum physics. Reminder of the chapter 3 projectiles test on October 4. We will also get started with chapter 4 Dynamics, the study of forces which affect motion.

Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 3 test on October 4. This week we will get started with chapter 4 Dynamics, the study of forces which affect motion.

Physics 11 - This week we will get started with chapter 4 Accelerated Motion. Reminder of the chapter 3 test on October 3.

Science 10 - Reminder of the chapter 8 test on October 4. We have started chapter 9 Accelerated Motion. Students should begin working on the problems in their workbook.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 26, 2011 (week 4)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 2 test on Sept 26. This week we will continue to learn about Quantum physics which a topic in our AP curriculum but is outside of the regular physics 12 curriculum.

Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 2 test on Sept 26. This week we will finish up chapter 3 projectile motion in 2 dimensions.

Physics 11 - This week we will finish up chapter 3 motion and motion graphs. Reminder of the chapter 3 test on October 3.

Science 10 - This week we will finish up chapter 8 uniform motion and motion graphs. Reminder of the chapter 8 test on October 4.

Friday, September 16, 2011

September 19, 2011 (week 3)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 2 test on Sept 26. This week we will finish up chapter 3 projectile motion. We will also get started on a new topic called Quantum physics.

Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 2 test on Sept 27. This week we will finish up chapter 3 projectile motion.

Physics 11 - This week we will continue to learn about motion graphs and work on the textbook problems in chapter 3 Kinematics.

Science 10 - This week we will learn how to use the equation d=vt to solve problems involving uniform motion. We will also learn how to convert units from m/s to km/hr and solve other rate problems.

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 12, 2011 (week 2)

Fieldtrip to Orlando Florida during Spring Break 2012 - Please see me in room 309 if you are interested in participating in this science-theme fieldtrip next March. It's an amazing experience and you will have alot of fun!

AP Physics 12 - This week we will review kinematics graphs and equations. We will also learn about projectile motion.

Physics 12 - This week we will review kinematics graphs and equations.

Physics 11 - We have started to study Kinematics which is the study of motion. We will learn how to depict motion on position-time graphs and calculate slope to determine velocity.

Science 10 - We have started chapter 8 Uniform Motion. This week we will learn how to depict motion on a postion versus time graph and calculate slope to find velocity.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 6, 2011 (week 1)

Welcome back to school everyone. I encourage you to check this blog for weekly updates and course information. This week we will establish some classroom routines and begin our studies.

Orlando Fieldtrip 2012 - Please visit Mr. Fuerderer in room 309 if you are interested in participating in this science-theme fieltrip during Spring Break 2012. We will visit numerous theme parks in the Orlando Florida area and each park has a science-related education program. Space is limited so be sure to submit your application as soon as possible.

AP Physics 12 - We will begin by reviewing kinematics equations and graphs.

Physics 12 - We will begin by reviewing kinematics equations and graphs.

Physics 11 - We are starting with Chapter 3 Uniform Motion which means motion in a straight lline with constant speed.

Science 10 - We will begin with Chapter 8 Uniform Motion which means motion in a straight line with constant speed.

Friday, June 10, 2011

June 13, 2011 (week 37)

All students - Please return your science textbooks and return any outstanding books to the library. Have a well deserved summer vacation and continued success to you all next year.

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the final exam on June 16 at 9AM in the gym.

Physics 12 - Reminder of the final exam on June 16 at 9 AM in the gym.

Physics 11 - Please turn in your textbooks as we have now completed the course.

Science 10 - We will review for the provincial exam. Check the ministry of education website for specific exam dates and times.

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6, 2011 (week 36)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 21/22 test on June 8. Then we will review for the final exam which is scheduled for June 16 at 9 AM in the large gym.

Physics 12 - We are reviewing for the Final Exam to be held on June 16 at 9 AM in the large gym.

Physics 11 - We will be reviewing in preparation for the Final Exam scheduled for June 9.

Science 10 - Students must complete workbook chapter 12 in preparation for the chapter 12 test on June 8. Then we will review for the provincial exam.

Friday, May 27, 2011

May 30, 2011 (week 35)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 20 Circuits test on May 31. We will do a few more labs involving circuits and electromagnetism. The chapter 21/22 test will be on June 6 and the final exam takes place June 16 at 9 AM in the gym.

Physics 12 - This week we will finish chapter 22 and prepare for the chapter 21/22 test on June 3. Then we will review for the final exam which takes place June 16 at 9AM in the gym.

Physics 11 - We will go over Experiment #7 Lens lab and prepare for the chapter 18 test on June 2. Then we will review for the final exam, date TBA.

Science 10 - We will read chapter 12.2 Plate Tectonics and prepare for the chapter 12 quiz on June 8. Then we will spend a few classes reviewing and preparing for the Science 10 Provincial Exam.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 24, 2011 (week 34)

AP Physics 12 - We will do a few more electric circuit labs in preparation for the chapter 20 test on May 27.

Physics 12 - This week we will finish up chapter 22 Electromagnetism. Students should complete the textbook practice problems in preparation for the chapter 21/22 test on June 1.

Physics 11 - This week we will finish up with chapter 18 Optics. We will do a few labs using the optics kits and students should be completing the practice problems in their text in preparation for the chapter 18 test on June 1.

Science 10 - This week we will finish reading chapter 11 Climate Change and get started with our final chapter 12 on Plate Tectonics. Students must complete the remainder of their workbook by June 1 in preparation for the Unit Test on June 4.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 16, 2011 (week 33)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will review electrostatics in preparation for the chapter 18/19 test on May 20. We will also do a few labs related to electric circuits. Chapter 20 Test on May 27. Chapter 21/22 Test on June 6.

Physics 12 - We have started chapter22 Electromagnetic Induction. Students should be reading the textbook and completing the practice problems in the text. Reminder of the chapter 21 Magnetism Test on May 19.

Physics 11 - We are starting chapter 18 Optics. Students should read the text and work on the practice problems. Reminder of the chapter 17 test on May 16.

Science 10 - We will wrap up chapter 10 Thermal Energy and The Atmosphere and get started with chapter 11 Climate Change.

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 9, 2011 (week 32)

AP Physics 12 - No classes this week.

Physics 12 - We will be starting chapter 22 Electromagnetic Induction. Students should be reading the textbook and working on the practice problems at the end of the chapter.

Physics 11 - We will be starting chapter 18 Optics. Reminder of the chapter 17 test on May 16.

Science 10 - This week we will study chapter 10.2 on earth's weather. Students should be reading the text and completing the workbook questions.

Friday, April 29, 2011

May 2, 2011 (week 31)

Reminder of the Playland Physics fieldtrip on Wednesday, May 4 (day 2). Students must arrive before 9:45 AM in order to sign in with their teacher and receive wrist-bands and assignments.

AP Physics 12 - No class. Students are studying or writing Advanced Placement Exams. We will resume class on May 16.

Physics 12 - We are currently studying chapter 21 Magnetism. Students should be reading their text and completing the practice problems at the end of the chapter.

Physics 11 - We are currently studying chapter 17 Reflection and Refraction. Students should be completing the practice problems in their textbook.

Science 10 - Reminder of the chapter 9 test on May 5. We are starting chapter 10 Thermal Energy and Earth's atmosphere and weather.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 26, 2011 (week 30)

AP Physics 12 - This is our final week of instruction and we will complete our study of thermodynamics (chapters 14 & 15). We will try to squeeze in one practice AP Exam before the official AP Exam week begins in May. Students should download old exams and solutions from AP Central website.

Physics 12 - We are starting chapter 21 Magnetism. Students will learn about magnetic fields and forces. Reminder to bring $18 and fieldtrip form regarding the Playland Physics fieldtrip on May 4.

Physics 11 - This week we begin chapter 17 Reflection and Refraction of Light Waves with plenty of activities using our fancy optics kits! Students should be reading and working on the textbook practice problems in chapter 17. Reminder of the chapter 14 test on May 2. Also, students are reminded to bring $18 and fieldtrip form regarding the Playland Physics fieldtrip on May 4.

Science 10 - This week we will complete chapter 9 on Acceleration. Reminder of the chapter 9 test on May 5. Reminder to bring $18 and fieldtrip form regarding the Playland Physics fieldtrip on May 4.

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 11, 2001 (week 29)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will complete chapter 21 Magnetism. We will also get started with chapter 22 Electromagnetic Induction. Students should be reviewing old AP Exams in preparation for the AP Exam in May. Physics 12 - This week we will continue to study chapter 20 DC Circuits. Physics 11 - This week we will get started with chapter 14 Waves. Science 10 - Students should be completing workbook chapter 8 in preparation for the Chapter 8 Test on April 15. This week we will get started with chapter 9 Accelerated Motion.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 4, 2011 (week 28)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will learn about capacitors and RC circuits (circuits with resistors and capacitors). Then we will start chapter 21 Magnetism. Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 18/19 test on April 4. This week we will start chapter 21 DC Circuits. Physics 11 - Reminder of the chapter 12 test on April 5. This week we will complete our studies of Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity. Science 10 - Reminder of the chapter 8.1 quiz on April 5. This week we will study chapter 8.2 Calculating Average Velocity. Students should be completing workbook chapter 8 in preparation for the next later next week.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 28, 2011 (week 27)

AP Physics 12 - We will go over the answers to the chapter 18/19 worksheets from before Spring Break. This week we will study chapter 20 DC Circuits.

Physics 12 - This week we will review material from chapter 18/19 in preparation for the chapter 18/19 test on April 4.

Physics 11 - We will go over the lab on Efficience of Various Heating Devices and we'll do a brief review and quiz in preparation for the chapter 12 test on April 5. This week we will begin our studies of Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. Particularly relevant because it was Einstein who first proposed that mass could be converted to energy and in the context of Japan's nuclear disaster.

Science 10 - This week we begin chapter 8 Motion. Students should be completing the workbook at their own pace.

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 14, 2011 (week 26)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will finish chapter 19 on Electric Potential. Students should be working on the textbook problems and sample testbank questions. We will have a chapter 18 quiz before Spring Break.

Physics 12 - This week we will study chapter 19 Electric Potential. Students are reminded of the chapter 18 quiz that needs to be completed before Spring Break.

Physics 11 - This week we will complete chapter 12 Thermal Energy. Students should be completing the practice problems and end of chapter review problems in preparation for the chapter 12 Test after Spring Break.

Science 10 - Students must complete workbook chapter 7 in preparation for the chapter 7 Radioactivity test on March 17.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 7, 2011 (week 25)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of chapter 9 torque test on March 7. This week we will continue to learn about electric fields and electric potential in chapters 18/19.

Physics 12 - This week we will complete chapter 18 on electrostatics and get started with chapter 19 Electric Potential. Reminder of the term two exam on March 7.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the Chapter 10/11 test on March 7 and also the Term 2 Exam on March 9 which covers the entire year's work thus far - main topics are found in chapters 3,4,5 and 9,10,11.

Science 10 - This week we will learn about half-life and nuclear fission and fusion. Students should be completing workbook chapter 7 in preparation for the chapter 7 test on March 16.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 28, 2011 (week 24)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will finish up chapter 9 Torque and Equilibrium. We will also get started with chapter 18 Electrostatics.

Physics 12 - This week we begin chapter 18 Electrostatics. Students will learn how to solve problems involving Coulomb's Law.

Physics 11 - This week we will finish chapter 11 and review for the chapter 11 test on March 7. We will also get started with chapter 12 Thermal Energy.

Science 10 - Students must complete workbook chapter 6 and submit this by March 3. This week we have a guest presentation by GREEN BRICKS on the topic of sustainability. We will also finish chapter 7.1 and learn about 3 types of natural radiation (alpha, beta and gamma). Students should be completing workbook chapter 7.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 21, 2100 (week 23)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will wrap up chapter 9 on Torque and next week we will begin chapter 18 Electrostatics.

Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapter 9 torque test on February 23. This week we will get started with chapter 18 Electrostatics.

Physics 11 - This week we will study chapter 11 Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, and conservation of Total Energy.

Science 10 - Reminder of the chapter 5 Chem test on February 24. This week we will get started with chapter 7 Radioactivity.

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 14, 2011 (week 22)

AP Physics 12 - This week we will do another activity on torque and equilibrium. Students should be working on the chapter 9 problems.

Physics 12 - This week we will wrap up chapter 9 Torque and Equilibrium. Students should be completing the textbook problems and/or provincial exam practice exams in preparation for the Chapter 9 test on February 21.

Physics 11 - This week we will do a lab on pulley's and mechanical advantage. Then we will get started with chapter 11.

Science 10 - We have started chapter 6. Students should be studying for the chapter 5 test on February 18.

Friday, February 4, 2011

February 7, 2011 (week 21)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the mid-course exam on February 7/8. Practice exams are available on the school homework site. This week we will get started with chapter 9 Torque.

Physics 12 - Reminder of the mid-course exam on February 7/8. This week we will continue our studies in chapter 9 torque. Practice exams are available on the school homework site. We'll also do a few activities related to rotational equilibrium.

Physics 11 - Reminder of the mid-course exam on February 7/8. Practice exams are available on the school homework site. This week we will start chapter 10 Work, Energy, and Power.

Science 10 - This week we will finish chapter 5.3 Organic Compounds. Students should be completing the workbook in preparation for the chapter 5 test next week.

Friday, January 28, 2011

February 1, 2011 (week 20)

We are exactly half-way through the school year (there are only 40 weeks of instruction in one school year). To date students have had 44 classes in each subject and they should be approximately half-way through each course.

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the chapters 6 & 7 Energy and Momentum test on February 2. This week we will do some practice AP exams in preparation for the mid-course exam on February 7/8.

Physics 12 - This week we will do some practice exams in preparation for the mid-course exam on February 7/8. We will also go over the lab on torque and levers.

Physics 11 - This week we will review and prepare for the mid-course exam on February 7/8. We will also learn how to solve problems involving motion in 2-dimensions (horizontally launched projectiles).

Science 10 - This week we will finish chapter 5.2 on Acids and Bases. Students should be completing workbook chapter at their own pace.

Math 8 - Mr. Bertness is now teaching this class and so I wish them all continued success in Math 8 and their other courses. Please report to room A225 for the remainder of this school year.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 24, 2011 (week 19)

AP Physics 12 - Reminder of the test on SHM and Fluids on January 24. Also, reminder that projects are due January 28 and they are worth 5% of term two mark. This week we will finish with momentum and energy and start reviewing for the mid-course exam on February 7.

Physics 12 - This week we will review for the mid-course exam on February 7. We will also get started with chapter 9 Torque.

Physics 11 - This week we will review and prepare for the chapter 9 momentum test on January 27. Students should be completing the practice problems and end of chapter review problems in preparation for the test.

Science 10 - This week we will finish chapter 5.1 on Acids and bases. Students should be completing workbook chapter 5.1.

Math 8 - Reminder of the chapter 7 test on January 27. Students should be completing the practice problems in each section in preparation for the chapter 7 test. Next week this class will be taught by Mr. Bertness. A very nice bunch of grade 8's and I wish them all continued success with their new math 8 teacher.

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 17, 2011 (week 18)

AP Physics 12 - Students should be working on their AP Physics Project due at the end of January. This week we will get started with chapter 6 Momentum and Impulse. Reminder the the SHM and Fluids test on January 20. Also, students should begin studying for the Spring Exam in early February.

Physics 12 - We will go over the Work, Energy, Power tests from December 17. This week we will have a few work periods to study and review our 2-dimensional problems involving the conservation of momentum. Reminder of the energy/momentum test on January 22. Students should also start studying for the Spring Exam in early February.

Physics 11 - This week we will study chapter 9.2 the Conservation of Momentum in collisions. Students should be completing the practice problems and end of chapter review problems.

Science 10 - Students should be completing workbook chapter 4 in preparation for the chapter 4 test on January 20. This week we will get started with chapter 5 Acids and Bases.

Math 8 - This week we will learn how calculate the volume of cubes, prisms and cylinders in chapters 7.3 - 7.5. Students should be completing the practice problems in each section in preparation for the chapter 7 test on January 30.

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 10, 2011 (week 17)

AP Physics 12 - Students should be working on their AP Physics Project due at the end of January. This week we will learn about fluid flow rate and Bernoulli's Principle. Reminder the the SHM and Fluids test on January 14. Also, students should begin studying for the Spring Exam in early February.

Physics 12 - We will go over the Work, Energy, Power tests from December 17. This week we will study the conservation of momentum in collisions (linear collisions and also 2-dimensional collisions). Students should also start studying for the Spring Exam in early February.

Physics 11 - We have started chapter 9 Impulse and Momentum. We will learn about the Conservation of Momentum Law and how it applies to linear collisions. We will also learn about vectors and scalers.

Science 10 - This week we will complete chapter 4.3 and learn how to write balanced chemical equations. Students should be completing workbook chapter 4 in preparation for the test in a few weeks.

Math 8 - Mr. Bertness has requested that we skip chapter 6 and proceed to chapter 7 Volume. He will cover chapter 6 when he takes over this class later in January. This week we will learn how calculate the volume of cubes, prisms and cylinders.